Hommage to Ezra Pound

2022 – I have tried to write… Paradise do not move… Let the wind speak… That is paradise

Pound emphasizes space and rhythm rather than melody.

Pound’s emphasis on the space between notes points to the relation and connection that must be made in those spaces. Whether or not a rule adopted by musicians at the time, Pound’s view on harmony seems as if it also could apply to poetry.  Poems are free verse and attempt to relate messages through very specific and often very concise images. In this respect, this object in the form of a labyrinth plays with verses and spaces and although the letters are not there, they still want to convey images. To get to the essence of Pound’s poetry, the letters and the space in between occupy the space in a rhythmic form, holes of non-existent signs as if one had to first search for a meaningful arrangement. Breaths between the lines.